There are many benefits to adding in mindfulness practices to your daily routine. From physical, spiritual, and mental health gains in all aspects. These free, simple proven techniques can help you live a healthier richer life. Let’s take a look at some benefits of living mindfully.
What Is Mindfulness?
Being mindful means that we are focused on what is happening at this moment. We are not distracted by the activity of life, priorities, people, events of the past, or the future. We are not tuned out by distractions. We are in the moment right now.
Staying in the moment is a type of self-care practice. Being mindful and in the moment can give a huge boost to your physical health, mental health, and overall well-being.
Some Benefits Of Being Mindful
Having a richer life experience by turning off “autopilot.”
Less stress and anxiety.
Improved focus and attention.
Increased self-awareness.
Increased happiness.
Benefits to physical health, including heart health and a possibility longer life span (source: Healthline).
6 Key Benefits Of Living Mindfully
1. Using Visualization Can Calm Racing Thoughts
Learning to focus on the moment or focus on one thing at a time can help you slow down your thoughts. Take time each day to practice visualization. Focus on what you want to accomplish, manifest, or what is on your mind in a day. Many times, in life we hyper focus on the future. Mindfulness brings you back into the moment.
2. You Will Be More Tuned In To Your Body
Being mindful helps you to tune in to the sensations that your body sends you.
Basic steps to meditate:
While sitting or lying down take slow deep breaths.
Note the way your breath enters and exits your lungs.
Feel the air intake into your lungs and feel your chest expand.
Do a mental scan from head to toe.
Check-in with the physical sensations of your body.
This is your chance to check in with yourself, your feelings, and the sensations that you feel.
Don’t worry if you feel yourself lose focus. Bring yourself back to focusing on your breathing. It is common that mindfulness, breathing, or meditative activities are a challenge because most of us live busy lives filled with multi-tasking.
Don’t stress if mindfulness practices are a challenge at first. This habit gets easier with consistent practice. There are many guided meditations for body scans online.
3. A Mindful Writing Practice Can Help You Gain Self Awareness
Writing can help you clear worries, gain new perspective, and focus on one thing at a time. You can use writing or journaling to start your day in a calm manner. Take some time that you plan in your schedule to write about whatever needs to be expressed on the page. This is personal writing. Don’t worry about perfection. Writing is a great activity to teach you to be mindful to moments in your life and it’s also a relaxing and therapeutic habit.
4. Meditating Is Good For Your Physical Health
Working on mindfulness exercises or meditation can help you relax. You may feel relaxed in the moment of practicing mindfulness. You may also notice over time that you start to become a more relaxed person. This can transfer over to a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. This is good for you mentally and physically.
5. Listening To Your Body Is A Critical Tool
Being mindful helps you to tune in to the signals that your body sends you. This is a crucial tool for your physical health. Being attuned to your body can help you to know when something is not right with your physical health. This can be lifesaving.
6. Mindfulness Is Good For Your Heart
Imagine if you could do an activity that might be good for your heart, mind, and well-being. No special equipment needed. Mindfulness may have real benefits for your heart health. According to a study, “People with pre-hypertension were randomly assigned to augment their drug treatment with either a course in mindfulness meditation or a program that taught progressive muscle relaxation .Those who learned mindfulness had significantly greater reductions in their systolic and diastolic blood pressure than those who learned progressive muscle relaxation, suggesting that mindfulness could help people at risk for heart disease by bringing blood pressure down.”
A natural method such as mindfulness is a great preventative tool for health conditions such as these. Being mindful is a great way to improve your health and well-being. Knowing yourself and having control over your thoughts is one facet of a healthy mind.
Mindfulness takes work and practice to make into a habit that you practice regularly. Try out mindfulness practices and start enjoying the benefits today.